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Spirited Away: Original Soundtrack

- Artist: Joe Hisaishi
- Publisher: Milan Entertainment
- Catalog Number: 73138-35999-2
- Number of Discs: 1
- Release Date: 09/10/02
Additional Information:
- Composed and Arranged by: Joe Hisaishi
- Recorded at: Wonder Station and Sumida Triphony Hall
Reviews for this album:
Track Listing:
Disc 1:
- One Summer's Day
- A Road to Somewhere
- The Empty Restaurant
- Nighttime Coming
- The Dragon Boy
- Sootballs
- Procession of the Spirits
- Yubaba
- Bathhouse Morning
- Day of the River
- It's Hard Work
- The Stink Spirit
- Sen's Courage
- The Bottomless Pit
- Kaonashi (No Face)
- The Sixth Station
- Yubaba's Panic
- The House at Swamp Bottom
- Reprise
- The Return
- Always With Me (performed by Youmi Kimura)