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12/07/11The Folly of Sentiment, or Lack Thereof,
by Matt Brown.About sentimental anime, life experiences, and big rocks.
08/01/11A Few Words for a Ninja Master: Futaro Yamada,
by Matt Brown.Yamada published at least twenty five ninja-themed novels, and yet, we only get to read one of them in English. Does that seem right to you?
04/27/10If Only I Could Download a Paycheck....,
by Matt Brown.When framing the debate over whether fan subs have a place in today's anime scene, I think the most important standard to apply is the level of public benefit that a particular sub provides.
04/05/10Shouting Out: An Editor's View on the Industry,
by Mike Ferreira.A crazy rant about the state of the industry.
07/13/09The Haruhi Suzumiya Guide to Running a Web Site,
by Matt Brown.A no-nonsense guide to realizing your vision on the Internet. Complete with bunny ears.
06/28/09Slumdog Millennium: We're all Chasing Something,
by Matt Brown.In this column, I talk about the chase — the obsessive, almost primal pursuit of one's deepest needs or desires. This is a survey of five works: two recent live-action films, two anime films, and an anime series.
05/04/09Ash Feathers and the Anime Fan,
by Matt Brown.An article about tackling otaku syndrome while maintaining a love for anime.
05/04/09Confessions of an Anime Junkie: Part 1,
by Viarca Dresden."The real distinction in my mind between anime and the typical Western cartoon is not so much in what it is, but in what it can be."
05/04/09Losing One's Way - A Journey To Cynicism and Back,
by Mike Ferreira.A personal look at one editor's trip to the depths of apathy.