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12/07/11The Folly of Sentiment, or Lack Thereof.
About sentimental anime, life experiences, and big rocks.
08/01/11A Few Words for a Ninja Master: Futaro Yamada.
Yamada published at least twenty five ninja-themed novels, and yet, we only get to read one of them in English. Does that seem right to you?
04/27/10If Only I Could Download a Paycheck.....
When framing the debate over whether fan subs have a place in today's anime scene, I think the most important standard to apply is the level of public benefit that a particular sub provides.
08/25/09Ode to an Endless Eight.
And now, for something completely the same.
07/13/09The Haruhi Suzumiya Guide to Running a Web Site.
A no-nonsense guide to realizing your vision on the Internet. Complete with bunny ears.
06/28/09Slumdog Millennium: We're all Chasing Something.
In this column, I talk about the chase — the obsessive, almost primal pursuit of one's deepest needs or desires. This is a survey of five works: two recent live-action films, two anime films, and an anime series.
05/04/09Ash Feathers and the Anime Fan.
An article about tackling otaku syndrome while maintaining a love for anime.