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Petrea Burchard Interview

- Interview with: Petrea Burchard
- Interviewed by: Nukunuku on July 28th, 2002
- Location: E-mail
- Publication Date: August 29th, 2002
- Anime Dream:
First of all, how did you get into voice acting?
- Petrea Burchard:
I've been a stage actor since I was a child, and have continued voice training, as most actors do. I had been working in commercial voice-overs when Matt K. Miller told me about the "Tenchi" auditions, so I sent in a demo tape.
- Anime Dream:
What attracts you to the voice acting? Do you think it's easier to act in front of a mic than in front of a camera?
- Petrea Burchard:
I wouldn't say it's easier,just different. In front of a camera you have much more to consider: the character's movements, facial expressions, even clothing. PLUS, you have to memorize all your lines and movements. But in front of the mike you don't have to worry about those things. You can put all your emotional work into your voice.
- Anime Dream:
You haven't been featured in newer anime series. Will you be doing any anime voice work in the near future?
- Petrea Burchard:
I haven't auditioned for any other anime in a long time. I wouldn't say no to it, though!
- Anime Dream:
What do you like and dislike about Ryoko's personality?
- Petrea Burchard:
I like the fact that she's sarcastic and funny and emotional. And what's not to like? Well, I suppose the fact that she's immature and bratty....oh,and she's a wanted criminal. I guess that's not so good.
- Anime Dream:
Do you miss playing Ryoko? Is there some of Petrea Burchard in Ryoko and vice versa?
- Petrea Burchard:
I think every good actor puts something of themselves into a role, so yes, Ryoko and I share some traits. I wouldn't say I miss playing the part. I'd love to play Ryoko again, but there are so many other parts to play that once you're finished with a job there's always something new to catch your imagination. I'm also a writer, so I never get bored.
- Anime Dream:
Do you stay in contact with other Tenchi cast?
- Petrea Burchard:
Yes, occasionally I see the others at auditions or social functions, and we stay in touch.
- Anime Dream:
What kind of characters would you like to play in the future?
- Petrea Burchard:
All of them!
- Anime Dream:
Have you been recognized in public places by the fans just by hearing your voice?
- Petrea Burchard:
Not often. There was a time when I was working in radio, and I did hear from fans who listened to the station and thought I sounded like Ryoko.
- Anime Dream:
And how often are you reminded you are Ryoko (from a fan)?
- Petrea Burchard:
Almost every day. I get a lot of fan e-mail, and I enjoy it. It's always good to hear from someone who enjoys my work as Ryoko.
- Anime Dream:
If you had your way, which character from Tenchi would you want to kill the most?
- Petrea Burchard:
I can't think of anyone I'd want to kill! Ryoko might want to get rid of Aeka, but I'm not Ryoko. And anyway, without a rival I don't think Ryoko would enjoy life as much.
- Anime Dream:
Since Ryoko is such a prankster, has anyone ever played a prank on you while you were in the recording booth? Or have you played a prank on a director or another VA?
- Petrea Burchard:
I haven't encountered any recording studio pranks. It's fun work, but it's definitely work, and studio time is expensive so you don't want to waste it fooling around.
- Anime Dream:
When recording lines, how much is verbatim and how much is improvised?
- Petrea Burchard:
When dubbing, you've got to be verbatim. You have to match the timing of the mouth movements of the characters on screen, so very little improvisation happens.
- Anime Dream:
Have you experienced making mistakes because the scene or line was too funny?
- Petrea Burchard:
I've experienced making mistakes for all sorts of reasons.... But usually I've seen the script ahead of time and I know what's coming, so I already know where the jokes are.
- Anime Dream:
Has there ever been a time when you read a line and questioned how the line or situation was even believable?
- Petrea Burchard:
Sure. But we were fortunate in the "Tenchi" recordings to almost always have people working with us who spoke perfect Japanese as well as perfect English, so if and when script questions came up we were able to resolve them.
- Anime Dream:
Would you like to try something different from Ryoko?
- Petrea Burchard:
Always. That's what keeps life interesting.
- Anime Dream:
There's been talk of a 3rd Tenchi TV series and a new OAV series. Would you reprise the role of Ryoko, if asked?
- Petrea Burchard:
I'd love to do it. We've all been hearing a lot from fans about the new series, but we haven't heard anything about an English dub. I hope they choose to do it, and I hope they ask back the original cast.
- Anime Dream:
What is your opinion of anime in general?
- Petrea Burchard:
To be honest, I haven't seen enough to give an educated assessment. My business is acting and writing, and I see a lot of different kinds of animation, as well as television, film and theater. There's a lot to keep up with! But I do think that the "Tenchi" animation is absolutely beautiful at times, and I love the style.