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Animazement 2004 Guest Interviews & Con Report [Sakamoto]

- Interview with: Chika Sakamoto
- Interviewed by: Tsukasa on May 29th, 2004
- Location: Animazement 2004: Durham, North Carolina
- Publication Date: June 22nd, 2004
Editor's note (04/10/08):
This interview was originally part of a single page that contained multiple interviews, and the author's convention experience merged between Q/A segments. We've moved to a new format where each person we interview gets their own page, and our experiences related to the interview appear above the interview transcript. A handful of very minor edits and omissions have been applied for clarity. We realize that some of these older pages will still look funny, but we believe that the consistency achieved makes up for that. At any rate, if you wish to view all of the pages that were originally part of the convention report, click here.
Another year has passed, and Animazement has come and gone once again. At Animazement 2004, I was given the opportunity to speak with another assortment of guests from Japan. Once again, I over-prepared, and was unable to ask all of my questions due to time constraints. However, with the aid of a translator, I was once again also able to ask many questions. Like last year, the interviews were organized in sessions, with a few guests at a time.
In the late afternoon [that Saturday], I sat down with the second press session's attendees: this year's guest of honor, Ms. Chika Sakamoto, and Ms. Yuu Watase. Ms. Sakamoto is, like Mr. Kamiya, one of the most recognized seiyuu in the industry, known for quite a few anime characters, including: Nuriko (Fushigi Yuugi), Yaten Kou (Sailor Moon/Stars), Mei (My Neighbor Totoro), Shun (Here is Greenwood), and Tendon Man (Anpan-man). Ms. Watase is a very well known manga artist, best known for Fushigi Yuugi, Ayashi no Ceres, and Alice 19th. I began with a question to Ms. Sakamoto.
- Anime Dream:
Which acting role do you consider your favorite, if any? And do you have a favorite genre to act in?
- Chika Sakamoto:
Of all the roles that I have done, and all the shows that I acted for become my own alter egos, so I can't give any preference to any of my characters. As an actor I love to do everything from stupid comedies to serious drama, everything from tear-jerkers to things that would make the audience bust out laughing. I'd like to be someone capable of doing everything.