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Otakon 2008: The JAM Project Concert
JAM Project, an anime-music power-team of Hironobu Kageyama, Masami Okui, Masaki Endoh, Hiroshi Kitadani, and Yoshiki Fukuyama, made their US debut at the First Mariner Arena to a house packed with at least five thousand fanboys and fangirls (present company included, of course). The members of JAM Project sang their hearts out to the crowd, which swelled to a deafening roar by the fourth song, in response.
The energy was unmatched - absolutely everybody in the arena, even the types that typically don't do so, were up on their feet, jumping around, and pumping their fists to the music. Things got even wilder when the artists broke into individual pieces. From Kageyama-san's Cha La Head Cha La to Okui-san's Rinbu Revolution, to Kitadani-san's We Are, there wasn't a single seated fan in the house. Even when fans did finally sit for Fukuyama-san's Seventh Moon and the acoustic set that followed, the room was abuzz with excitement.
JAM Project managed to squeeze every ounce of energy from the room, and ran with it the whole way. They were happy to be there, and the fans were screaming with absolute joy. In layman's terms, if I were to describe the concert, I'd say "IT'S OVER 9000! A true marriage of Epic and Win, through and through."
The night was a smashing success, and I wish JAM Project the same reception as they continue their tour to Saitama and Mexico City.