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Otakon 2008: Industry Panel: Bandai Surprise!
Note: I do apologize, as this will start with a quick event summary. To understand why I found this event so noteworthy, one has to understand what actually went down in this event
Upon entry to the room, every attendee was told "no cameras, no audio, no video. You'll understand why soon enough." However, I don't think anybody could have anticipated what was to come. The panel was laid back, and felt more like a fan panel than an industry event. Bandai opened the event with business as usual as they showed off their newest acquisition, .hack//G.U. Trilogy. After the trailer, things began to heat up as the reps showed off the artbox for Gurren Lagann's upcoming bilingual release. During the demonstration, Bandai started showing the true meaning of "Surprise!" as voice actor Yuri Lowenthal (Code Geass, Gurren Lagann) burst into the room. Yuri's very presence seemed to lighten up the room, as the panelists started cracking jokes and the focus shifted to an Oprah-esque "look under your chair" giveaway. One guest went home with an autographed Eureka Seven boxed set, and another took with him a signed Code Geass banner. The panel shifted to trivia and bloopers from Bandai dubs, which included a few particularly hilarious Gurren Lagann flubs.
Mr. Lowenthal could not stay long, however, and made an exit that was as quick as his entrance. After a bit more trivia and bloopers, it was time for "Surprise!" Number two. After having two attendees dance for the other members' amusement to Motekke! Sailor Fuku (the opening to Lucky Star), Bandai Entertainment CEO Ken Iyadomi perked up and asked "Motekke! Sailor Fuku means 'Take it! My Sailor Fuku'. So who else took took sailor fuku?" A confused silence hit the room, until another panelist piped up asking "Another group covered this song. Anyone know who it is?" One attendee quickly blurted out the answer, "It was JAM Project!" The attendee received a prize, and the event shifted to Surpise #2. the members of JAM Project filed into the room, to much applause. Of course, Masami Okui-san, the only female member of the group, was asked the burning question of the moment: "Who took YOUR sailor fuku?" To which she replied "Nobody," earning an affectionate "aww" from the crowd. But the moment didn't last long when she perked up, saying "but sometimes, I still like to pull it out," which received a completely different reaction from the crowd as well as the rest of JAM Project.
The Bandai representatives started handing out shirts at this point - specifically, the T-shirts that came with the limited edition of Lucky Star volume 1 - white, with a bright pink sailor fuku printed on the front and back. The event wouldn't go on until absolutely everybody - attendees, the panelists, even JAM Project, put them on and began dancing to Motekke! Sailor Fuku. Yes, absolutely everybody. After the song ended, a bit more Q&A ensued, before the event closed with a random prize giveaway.
The announcement was nothing special, I'll admit. However, the atmosphere of the room was something that is hard to forget. A packed crowd, a gaggle of Bandai staffers, and a loose party atmosphere combined to create an electricity that would excite anybody. The Bandai panelists were all in a great mood, despite this being their second panel of the day, and seemed to be more than happy to sling jokes about with Lowenthal and a few of the attendees.
JAM Project were in especially high spirits, and were quite happy to joke around and relax with the attendees. A highlight of the event came about when JAM Project asked the fans what anime they liked, and a member piped up with "Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan." A hush fell over the room as Kitadani-san rose up and glared at the attendee for a minute, before he pointed at the poor sap and shouted "OTAKU!" in a booming voice, as the room erupted in laughter.
The entire event was fast, loose, and informal. Everyone was in high spirits, especially the guests. Also, seeing ANN's and Japanator's editors in bright pink sailor fuku shirts? Priceless.