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Tenth Anniversary: Looking Back, Then Forward
Wow. Has it been ten years already? Time really flies!
I still remember my interview with Nicole almost eight years ago, and the excitement of being chosen to join this team of creative, yet somewhat off-kilter folks. Things have changed over the years — people came, people left, and our focus has shifted several times. However, we've never abandoned our dedication to bringing you guys, our readers, the best quality content that we can with the resources we have.
Currently, I fill Anime Dream's role of Communications Director and News Editor. Basically, I keep in contact with our partners in the industry, and keep you guys up to date with the latest rumblings. I also serve as part-time dictator whenever Matt is unavailable.Today, I still see Anime Dream as a sort of idea factory. We're a rag-tag group of opinionated folks that love talking about what we enjoy. We still keep our opinions pure, and refuse to cater to anybody but our readers. Our staff has changed, and our priorities have shifted, but we'll never abandon our philosophy.
I look forward to our next ten years, and the challenges the decade brings. I hope that every one of you will join us going forward, as we look toward new experiences and greater challenges.
Thanks for your support, your friendly e-mails, and even your hate mail. It means a lot to know that you guys feel so deeply about what we're saying, and we like hearing what you have to say (Well, I do. I don't know if the others like being threatened about things said about Sailor Moon!). Anime Dream is family to me, and you readers are all my friends. I could work for this site day in and day out for the rest of my days, but it wouldn't mean a damn thing without you, or the awesome people who make Anime Dream what it is today. You aren't just a number, a statistic, or some random username on a server. You're all people — people who share a collective love of anime, manga, and anime music. So, thank you guys. Thank you for giving me the incredible opportunity to write about anime and manga, and make a second career out of it for the past several years. And thank you, staff, for just being so damn awesome. You all mean the world to me.Going forward, let's make our next decade the best decade for Anime Dream. I look forward to joining you there, and making a whole bunch of new friends at the same time!