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Marketing: Getting the Word Out
Once the decisions are made, the venue is set, and the ink is dry on the contracts, all that's left is to wait for the people to pour in the front door, right?
Once the concrete details are set, the marketing department goes to work to attract guests and attendees alike. Kim Groomes, Anime Expo's Director of Marketing, described her position as "the liaison between anime [and] manga companies that wish to be represented." In English, the marketing department is the group that ensures that FUNimation holds a panel, or the latest shows are available to show in the screening rooms. And, above all, they ensure that the reps keep returning year after year.
As with anything else in the world, advertisement is a must. "Ads, press releases, etc. it’s all part of my focus," comments Groomes, "I work to get the name of AX out to the community and fans alike." How to go about it will differ from event to event, but the message will never change: "Come to our event! It's awesome!" Some will go with the tried and true table at a bigger event, while others will try to tackle the mainstream with print adverts, or in the case of the largest events, TV spots.
The good efforts will usually be remembered years later. Unfortunately, so will the bad ones.