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Anime Boston 2010: Conclusion and Our Thanks
Anime Boston is what I'd consider my home turf. It's close, it's inviting, and every year seems to get better and better. The event hosted over 17,000 attendees this year, but there still seemed to be a distinct "small con" feel to everything, while the event was run with an almost military precision. There were growing pains in the past, but the event's managed to take these awkward moments in stride.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank Jamison Chew, for helping out every step of the way. I'd like to thank the rest of the Anime Boston staff, for their unyielding dedication to making the event run smoothly and efficiently.
I'd like to thank Tom Wayland and Greg Ayres for the opportunity to pick their brains. Both of you were amazing people, and I'd love the opportunity to speak with you again in the future. I don't say this often enough, but I appreciate the time you give us and the insight you offer. These moments really do change one's perspective on the industry, and on anime as a whole. I greatly appreciate the experience, and I wish both of you well.
In addition, I'd love to thank the great people I met over the weekend - Ain't It Cool's Scott Green, Japanator's Jeff Chuang, Anime Almanac's Scott VonSchilling, Original Sound Version and RPGFan's Patrick Gann, and the many that I just don't have room to name. You all helped to make this experience special, and really inspired me push this year's coverage into overdrive.
And most important: I want to thank you, dear reader, for reading this year's feature. Until next time: This is Mike Ferreira, signing off.