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Anime Boston 2011: A Prelude, And A Hope
With each passing year, preparing for a con grows easier. Hindsight, lists, and experience have all become valuable tools as I get everything ready to go. However, regardless of how many lists, plans, and good intentions are made, I find it impossible to escape the last-minute rush. Even now, the thoughts race through my frantic mind as the clock relentlessly ticks.
Tick, tock...
The seeds of doubt begin to sprout. "Shit, do I really have everything?" is the first and foremost thought, as the list is pored over and re-checked several times over. The bag is unpacked, re-packed, and the list is checked off again.
Tick, tock...
The panic sets in, as forgotten items begin to arise. "Oh crap - I forgot to buy batteries, tapes, and an audio patch cable!" A hurried trip to Target takes priority, as the last items are catalogued, and final stocking begins.
Tick, tock...
Finally, at around 8:30, it's done. The bags are packed, the prizes are sorted, the batteries are charged, and the electronics are packed. Things begin to look better. Calm begins to set in, as it finally looks like this could be pulled off with some form of success. Final print-outs are made, and want for a decent night's sleep begin to take hold.
Tick, tock...
As midnight approaches, sleep finds itself hiding. Instead, planning, worrying, and mental preparations begin to form. Event schedules and building layouts, strategies and commitments take the forefront. "What if"s, and "How can I"s are common, and second guesses are the norm. Come tomorrow, I'll be on my way to the event, and all these concerns will have melted away. Instead, my focus will have shifted to delivering the greatest convention coverage I possibly can.
The convention atmosphere is something I've come to crave in recent years. There's something incredible, even magical about these gatherings that simply brings out the best in people. Anime Boston, though, it's different for me. Since 2003, I've come to refer to the convention as a "home away from home", a place where I can turn for fond memories and incredible experiences.
This weekend, I hope that you, dear reader, will join me as I try to deliver an unmatched experience, convention coverage that is of both quality and quantity.