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Anime Boston 2011: Closing, and our Thanks
Anime Boston has come and gone. People were met, memories were made, and an unhealthy number of articles were written. Ten hours of video, three hundred photographs, and untold hours of labor were racked up for this year's special. Sleep was a luxury, as was time to roam, or even a relaxing dinner. By mid-way through Saturday night, I was slowly cursing under my breath and ready to keel over. However, I'd still gladly go through it all over again.
In previous years, I've given Anime Boston a number of nicknames, from "the old stomping ground", to my "home away from home." And, every year, I truly mean it. Anime Boston is a convention where I truly feel comfortable. From the friendly staff, to the great attendees, the event feels small event despite its scale.
As with every year, I'd like to extend my deepest thanks to what seems like far too many people. There simply isn't enough room to list every single person, but the short list could be summed up as follows:
- Jamison Chew, who has been there to help over the past few years. You've always gone above and beyond for us in the press, be it in answering simple, often silly questions, or arranging interviews. I simply can't thank you enough. I definitely owe you a drink next year.
- The Anime Boston staff. Your dedication, devotion, and ability to make the convention run smoothly year after year never seems to get enough recognition.
- Aimi, Nohana, and Shiho of Stereopony, both for an incredible show and for taking time out of their busy schedules to chat. You are fantastic people, and I wish you the best in your musical career.
- Ryu Takahashi of Sony Music, for his help in coordinating my session with Stereopony. You've always been a huge help, and it's greatly appreciated.
- Chris Beveridge, for your insight and great sense of humor, as well as being an all-round great fellow.
- Mike Toole, for proving that Captain Harlock turns even crap anime into something epic.
- Sam Kusek and Ken Haley, for being great people, and excellent panel co-hosts. You were both great, and I hope that we can return to the subject next year. A double-thanks goes to you, for giving me an invitation to to host with you.
- Patrick D and Jekka from The Chibi Project (chibiproject.com), for giving a good use to bad toys and for proving that Derek Jeter, even in figure form, poops money when hit.
- The dozens of cosplayers whose dedication and hours of hard work make every convention a real treat.
- The winners of our contest - I didn't get a chance to take down all of your names, but I'd like to mention those who did leave their info:
- Joe Ortiz
- Brian Costa
- Zachary Coursen
- Manny Cabral
- You, dear reader. Thank you for reading this feature.
The next Anime Boston, Anime Boston X, is slated to run from April 6-8, and you can be sure that I will be there in some form. Until next year's convention, this is Mike Ferreira, signing off.