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Anime Boston 2012: Closing And Our Thanks
Anime Boston's tenth year is finally behind us, and all that can really be said is "wow." Ten years of memories were closed off with dozens of articles, hundreds of photographs,and hours of video footage taken across sleepless nights. Each year seemed to be an ordeal, with this writer cursing under his breath every Saturday as he rushes from panel to panel.
This year proved to be no different.
As I scrambled between panels and interviews, I often found myself short of time and high on stress. A few four-letter words escaped under my breath as I moved through the crowded halls and time grew tight. Destinations seemed to be almost tauntingly out of reach, though deviation from the schedule was far from an option. Article transcriptions in the Prudential center ran until four in the morning, and sleep was but a fleeting luxury that would offer but a few hours of relief. My shoulders were sore from lugging prizes about, and little disasters seemed to continue to fall upon the gig as key pieces of equipment failed, and batteries seemed to die all too quickly.
Still, I'd have it no other way.
The stress, the insanity, even the frustrations that come with convention weekends are something I look forward to. I love being able to chronicle the events that come every single year. I love writing about the many people this event touches, as I adore capturing the smiling faces of the many who attend. Each panel presents a new story to tell, just as every interview is a chance to look into another side of the industry we all celebrate. It's heartening to see the many that are touched by anime, and the thousands that revel in the fellowship that's grown around it.
So, for the tenth year, I want to thank far, far too many people. As with every year, there are simply far too many to list, though the short list can be summed up as follows:
- Jamison Chew, who has been a huge help over the many years we've worked together. You've always done your best to ensure that the press has the best possible experience. You've answered our crazy questions, arranged interviews, and done absolutely everything to ensure that we can do our jobs to the very best of our abilities. As always, I owe you a drink... or three.
- The Anime Boston staff: Your dedication to the event and professional behavior ensure that everybody has a great convention year over year.
- Haruko Momoi for a fantastic show, as well as an incredible interview. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to speak with us. I wish you the best.
- Caitlin Glass, for a great interview and a truly interesting conversation. Best of luck in your career!
- Jason Sackel from the One Piece Podcast, for a great co-interview with Ms. Glass. It was great to meet you, and to share an interview session.
- The Anime Boston leadership for the chance to peer into the inner workings of the convention, even if it was for only an hour.
- Patrick D and Jekka from The Chibi Project (chibiproject.com), for ten years of hilarious torture to horrible toys.
- Sam Kusek and Colin Jansen, being excellent panel co-hosts, and just being awesome. Thanks again for the opportunity to share a spot on the panel with the both of you. It was great fun, and I hope we can return for a third year at Anime Boston 2013!
- The hundreds of cosplayers that go above and beyond to deliver their best year after year.
- The many winners of this year's contest. I hope you all enjoy your prizes!
- You, dear reader, for reading this year's feature.
Anime Boston 2013 is already scheduled, and will be held from May 24-26. You can count on me being there once again, ready and willing to devote countless hours toward delivering the finest content possible. Until next time, this is Mike Ferreira, signing off.