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Waking From the Dream
After ten years of experiences, hundreds of stories, and countless memories, it seems that the dream is finally ending. Matt and I have had numerous conversations in the past few months, and we both agreed that it was time for us at Anime Dream to sign off one last time. We discussed ways of prolonging the experience, but every single conversation seemed to lead to the same conclusion: "the moment is over."
Anime Dream has been a major part of my day-to-day life for ten years now. Through the decade, I've covered the anime boom and bust with reckless abandon, traveled across the east coast to cover the con circuit, and met many genuinely fascinating people. And, most important, I've forged countless friendships, with readers, with industry folks, and with the staff here at AD. I'd be lying if I didn't say that Matt and Ben haven't grown as close as family over these years, and I've treasured every minute I've worked here.
So, as I say farewell to the site that's dominated my life for a third of my life, I want to say "thank you." Thank you, Matt and Ben for being such great friends and colleagues. Thank you readers, for tuning in day after day, even during our dead periods, to read what we have to say. Thank you, everyone in the industry who believed in us, and helped us every step of the way. Without any of you, Anime Dream wouldn't exist (and even if it did, things wouldn't have been so special!). I really mean it when I say that you're all important to me, in some way.
As every dream ends, though, a new one must begin. I'm not quite ready to give things up just yet, and I hope you aren't, either. Going forward, I'll be continuing my work at Anime Herald. While things won't be exactly the same, I hope to retain the very spirit that brought all of us here under such improbable circumstances so many years ago.
Until we meet again, so long, farewell, and thank you, for making this experience so rewarding.