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Ah! My Goddess Ongaku-hen
This two-disc set contains almost all the music from the Oh My Goddess OVA series. The first disc contains the music from the first three videos, and the second disc contains music from the final two videos, along with seven alternate versions of songs from the series. The only thing that is missing is the edited versions of the opening and closing songs from the series (My Heart Iidasenai, Your Heart Takishimetai; and Congratulations!). All that we have here are the full versions of the songs, which is fine, but since this collection claims to be "complete," I figured the edited versions would be here, too.
That, however, is just about the only bad mark on this set. Everyone who has seen the show knows that the opening and closing songs are ridiculously catchy, but many of the other tracks are excellent, too. My favorite episode of the show is number three, "Burning Hearts on the Road", so it is no surprise that some of my favorite songs, such as Cake with tea and With Reason, come from that episode. Episode two has some great songs as well, like Fortune and My Dear. I particularly like the songs with nylon-string guitar in them, though that is simply a matter of personal taste. I also like Clear Sky a lot, though, for entirely different reasons than the previous songs I mentioned; it's just so peppy and happy! Taken together, there is a good variety of musical styles on this CD, ranging from light piano and/or guitar pieces, to rock guitar, to jazzy tunes, to keyboard synth. Many of the songs have a happy/peppy fell to them, though some are more melancholy, depending on what scenes in the show the songs are backing.
Because of the way the music is used in the show, most of the songs on these discs are relatively short. Very few songs are over two minutes, and a number of them aren't even one minute long. This isn't necessarily bad from an artistic point of view, but many of the songs simply end before I am ready for them to. Case in point is With Reason, mentioned above. It has this nice, solo guitar piece that really feels like an intro to a larger song, and then it just quits. You get used to the briefness of the pieces over time, though. If you have never seen the Oh My Goddess! OVAs, you may not find that much here to excite you. Some of the songs hold up very well on their own merits, but many of them rely on memories of the show for their full effect. Case in point, the "egg song." Most fans of the series love this song, but it makes no sense outside of the context of the show. Bottom line, this is a great set of music for fans of the OVA series, and getting this two-disc set is likely a lot cheaper than tracking down the two separate soundtrack collections issued in the early '90s.
Note: If you can read Japanese (which, alas, I can not) then you will probably enjoy the package insert. Not only do you get all the lyrics to the opening and ending songs (and the "egg song!"), but most of the tracks have commentary written for them. I can't tell you who wrote the commentary or what it says, but if you can read Japanese you'll get an extra insight into the music.