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Escaflowne: The Movie OST
The Vision of Escaflowne movie is suppose to be an alternate telling of the story. The OST for the movie reflects that sentiment. Song like Dance of the Curse II and Horse ride reflecting the Escaflowne series and new songs that resemble nothing at all from the original. The album is absolutely wonderful. Each song expresses such emotion and energy. This is my favorite Kanno album.
The album starts out with an uplifting vocal, Ring, which is the title track for the movie. the next song is First Vision a nice little BGM piece. Next up is Colors. Colors is an incredible instrumental with a guitar and some harp that just make the song stand out. Going through a few more instrumental songs takes you to a flute solo called Bird Song. An eerily happy song hold some strange attraction for me. Bird Song is followed by my second favorite song on the album, Sora. Sora has this incredible calming aspect about it. Almost as if it were a magical sleep spell. The vocals are beautiful and each word flows into the next like they were specifically made to be said together. Gabriella Robin did a wonderful job writing them as did Shanti Snyder singing them. A few more bgm tunes lead you What`cha Gonna Do? another delightful song sung by Merle. Then comes Sora's Folktale, my favorite, which once again has lyrics by Gabriella Robin but this time is sung by Midori. Folktale is a buit shorter, but has a more "club song" type of sound. I just don't; have the words to describe it, listen for yourself. The next few songs are instrumental pieces and some remixes of tunes from the series. Tree of Hearts has some very nice piano work in it. As you come to the end of the album you come across another great song. The English vocals are actually understandable in You're Not Alone. The album is finished off with a slight change of pace. Call Your Name is just the absolutely fabulous Maaya Sakamoto accompanied by a piano. An excellent choice to finish off the album.
This soundtrack is right up there with OST 1: Over The Sky as my favorite Escaflowne soundtrack. The way the music just fits the tone of the movie and brings back each scene vividly in my mind is truly impressive. Yoko Kanno always does great songs, but bringing in a couple other people to write lyrics really puts some of these songs on an even higher plateau. I would recommend this album anybody. No matter what kind of music you like, you can find at least a few songs to be infatuated with.