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Neon Genesis Evangelion: VOX
I'm pretty sure every vocal track on this CD is in English, and it's all R&B / Rap. Now, I'm not saying that R&B and Rap are bad in general... They can be quite enjoyable, but this CD poorly executes both styles, along with everything else.
A word of caution: This CD is not for children. There is some serious swearing going on in some of these tracks, like track 6 (again, in English). The only Japanese on this CD is used as an ambient effect, various scenes of the characters speaking from Eva. Overall, I really can't recommend this CD to anyone unless you are a hardcore Evangelion collector. The lyrics are trite, the music is pretty bad, and there's just about nothing on this CD staying true to Evangelion. I simply cannot recommend this CD to anyone.
But enough with the music itself. The packaging is another area to discuss. The first print of this CD did not come in a CD case... It came in this metal canister of sorts - very weird. The reprint comes in a regular CD case though (as shown above). The packaging of the first print is likely the coolest thing about the CD.
If you REALLY want this CD and for some reason enjoy the samples below, head on over to Anime Nation where they'll sell it to you for a really outrageous price of around $30. After selling this CD, I understood the importance of the last track: Never shall I return from the conflict I must learn (in this CD)... Think about it! :)