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Kodocha Review and Music
Starting off with a brief word on recent server happenings, as a result of RPGFan's latest server migration, from the GameFan Network to the GameGlow Network, we've been taken for a bit a ride. While we can only hope the move has been for the better, it hasn't been without its fair share of bumps along the way.
Dead links may have shown up here and there for a while, as certain portions of the site didn't make it along for the transfer, but most of those issues should be resolved as of this posting. If you come across any lingering dead links though, don't hesitate to let us know about it, either contacting myself or any other member of the staff. Other issues, such as the reinstallation of the board script (which you can gain early access to via our Message Boards page, but shhh! They're still being set up and aren't meant to be seen just yet ^_-), are still being worked on, so bear with us as we get things back to normal.
With the server nonsense out of the way, on with the double dose of animated insanity, Sana-chan style! Our first venture into the realm of Kodomo no Omocha (Child's Toy), a shoujo TV series with an energetic flair all its own, comes courtesy of ElfShadow. He's written up a review on this sugar filled anime, gauging whether its a treat no anime fan should be without or just junk that'll rot your teeth. Head on over to the Reviews section to see what he thinks and check out the latest addition, ElfShadow's Kodocha review, here.
In addition to ElfShadow's review, to give you a taste of what to expect from this series and its entertaining music, I've encoded a collection of Kodocha tunes for your listening pleasure, including the first two opening and ending themes. The first two opening themes, "19 Ji no News" (7 O'clock News -- think 24 hour clock and
the 19 to 7 conversion will fall into place) and "Ultra Relax", can be heard, while you can listen to the two ending songs, Panikku (Panic) and Daijo-bu. The music in Kodocha is quite an appropriate accompaniment to the frantic on screen action, serving to complement Sana-chan's high-spirited antics rather well, so head on over to the Real Audio portion of the Music section, sit back and enjoy! (Ed. note: We don't have audio clips any more, except for those included with the music reviews. Sorry!)
There's been talk of AnimEigo showing interest in this series, but little in the way of confirmation has surfaced as of yet. As the role of every CEO for an anime licensor is to drive their translators to utter insanity, I feel it's Robert Woodhead's DUTY to license Kodocha. Shin Kurokawa, AnimEigo's head translator, is sure to completely lose it trying to keep up with Sana-chan as she kicks her vocal stylings, both spoken and sung, into warp speed. If that's not reason enough for them to pick the show up right away, I just don't know what is. =P