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Lions, Tigers, and Pictures?! Oh, My!
What's this you say? Pictures seem to be appearing on Anime Dream? Easy can it could it be, pictures just for little old me? Right you are, my friend. A pictures update! Now I realize the grave danger in actually updating the pictures section since it's been outlawed in 49 states and most countries around the world, but here it is.
The first set of visual stimuli is from The anime formerly known as The Heroic Legend of Arislan (or now known as The Heroic Legend of Arslan) or you may even know it as Aruslân Senki. You can feast your eyes on the lovely artwork here. All the lovely artwork of Arislan was done by Sachiko Kamimura who is probaly better known for City Hunter.
The next couple art galleries are a few characters from that smooth action packed adventure Cowboy Bebop (wait, It has other characters besides Faye?!!)
Hmmm, what? Oh, Sorry, I forgot all about the rest of the pictures after Faye. But Cowboy Bebop has some other rather nice characters too, like Julia for example. All of these beautiful characters came from the mind of Kawamoto Toshihiro who worked on a couple little known series that go by Gundam 0083 & 08th MS Team. The Mecha/ship designs came from Yamane Kimitosi who also worked on another anime that nobody has ever heard of called Vision of Escaflowne. You can catch a little insight on how these two fellas came up with the character designs by looking at the character design sheets, but I warn you Faye losses something when she isn't in full blown color. Well, if your done with Faye now, we'll move on.
Well, following up Faye and Cowboy Bebop isn't exactly ideal, but if there is one anime that has the women...err....Artistic beauty to do it than that anime is Neon Genesis Evangelion. I mean Rei, Asuka, and of course Misato (Both hands on the keyboard fellas). So why don't you enjoy the galleries of screenshots that Eva has to offer. Not only is Eva a trippy journey through religion and Psychology, but it has some Hott Women. I think we all need to take a few moments from our Day to thank Sadamoto Yoshiyuki for such loveable and just plain lovely characters like Misato.
(Note: In case you didn't pick up on it, I think Misato rocks!)
The next gallery is some artwork from a Chinese Manga known as Wind & Cloud. The artwork is simply stunning and is well worth taking the time to look at. It also makes me wish I had Wind and Cloud working for me. I could do some pretty cool stuff if they were, but I digress. Just go ahead and take a look for yourself. You can view these cute (that for those of you who think there should be more cute in the updates....You know who you are) characters here.
(Note: Wind and Cloud are not actually cute, but I had to find somewhere to use the word cute.)
Last up is a series that enjoying a great deal of popularity right now. Dragonball Z is Akira Toriyama's best known work, even more so than the snes video game Chrono Trigger. You can check out the artwork here. I won't really say much more about it since my Mama always said "If you don't have anything nice to say, say you like it anyway!", but I just can't say those three little words....Misato, I Love you! I'm thinking those weren't the correct words...I'm thinking I should of kept My Misato obsession a secret...I'm thinking I'll end this update here and now.
Well, that's all the pictures for today. The FBI, CIA, MI6, and other various law enforcement organizations are positioning snipers outside my house right now. So Enjoy those pics and if I survive, you just might see some more in the near future.