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Pfew! I barely escaped capture after commiting my illegal acts(aka updating pictures) of a few days ago. Thankfully some info from Eyes Only tipped me off to the bad guys trying to hunt me down for actually updating pictures. In case you haven't realized, I am obsessed with the Anime impersonation known as James Cameron's Dark Angel (Not the Manga, The TV show on FOX). Alas the show had nothing to do with the Manga or Battle Angel Alita, but who cares? It has Jessica Alba! Well, this update does actually have a point and that point happens to be pictures! Lots of em, and some good anime Chicks too! So let's get to the pictures.
We'll start our Jessica Alba (Max from Dark Angel) themed update with some pictures from the Armitage III: Polymatrix movie. Armitage has a nice futuristic look and a main character that reminds me a lot of Max. Both being strong women who can open up a can of whoop-*** and are pretty easy on the eyes to boot! Hiroyuki Ochi did a great job on the character design. Naomi (the main character) is definetely one Bad babe just like Max. Why don't you check out Naomi here.
The next Gallery we are gonna check out is from Bubblegum Crisis 2040. This anime is set in 2040 which Also feature some pretty cool ladies. Max rides around on a sweet Black Motorcycle and Bubblegum Crisis features some cool Cycles of it's own (which we just happen to have pictures of). So check out the Hogs of Bubblegum Crisis here.
Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles TV series is next on the list. WHAT?!! What the heck does a Sword and sorcery anime have to do with a futristic TV show? Well, that's an easy one, Elf chicks who can jump fifteen feet in the air and have superhuman speed. Not to mention Deedlit and Pirotessa are pretty darn good looking (Can you say Lodoss war / Dark angel crossover?). Kazuhiro Soeta did justice to Izubuchi's original designs for the OAV series. You can pay homage to the elven godesses here.
Moving right along, we come to Macross II. Macross II features the return of the Zentreadi and this time they come packing! They bring along their own Godesses of War. This time they have girls who are very, very well equipped (Stop that, I meant their voices). So why don't you enjoy the delights the Zentreadi can offer here.
Tekkaman Blade once aired on FOX as Teknoman and was a pretty cool show. The sequel Tekkaman Blade II is a different style of show. Mainly becuase The main character, Yumi, is now female and searching for who she is. Just like you know who :P. Yumi helps the teknoman get back on his feet to fight off the Rahdam. The art is rather different than the first series, but looks darn nice. So check that out here.
Lina Inverse, need I say more? Didn't think so, but I will anyway. Slayers is an awfully popular anime and I think Lina has a lot to do with that! Lina is one of the definitive Girls of Anime! Her daring, bold, loud, and confident manner has made her one of my favorites. Max also has that kind of attitude and really kicks some serious booty. Lina is the ultimate advertisement for girls that just want to have fun! Why don't you join her fun here. Hold the phone! That's not all, there are some more pics of the lovey Lina and Company from the Slayers Next series here.