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Kamichu Rages Through Cities of the Brave!
Kevin Chu, the representative for Geneon Entertainment, announced that Geneon acquired the rights to the American releases of Ichigo Marshmallow and Kamichu! on the Anime on DVD forums. Both titles are expected to be released in June.
Central Park Media has announced that, in conjunction with the launch of its Negadon website, the company will be holding an art-based contest. Artists can submit their own Japanese-style monster designs on the Negadon webpage. Winners will have their artwork featured on the upcoming DVD release of Negadon: The Monster From Mars. The deadline for the contest is March 26.
Anime Nation reports that FUNimation Films announced that they have formed a partnership with The Bigger Picture, subsidiary of Sabella Dern Entertainment. the partnership was formed to ensure that the company would be able to secure theatrical distribution of future films. The first two movies slated are Dragon Ball Z movies 6 and 12, which will open on March 17 in the following cities, with additional locations added weekly:
- Atlanta, GA
- Austin, TX
- Chicago, IL
- Dallas, TX
- Seattle, WA
- Minneapolis, MN
- San Diego, CA
- San Francisco, CA
- Washington DC
According to The Magic Box, Sony announced that they will be releasing a role playing game based on the anime film Brave Story. The title will be released on the Playstation 2 and PSP, and will utilize cel-shaded visuals. Both versions will be released in Japan this summer.