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Holy Gundam, Batman!
Don't fret. Everything you see is illusion... it is not real! You are not reading this, and this is all just a dream. Speaking of dreams, do you dream about Battle Angel Alita? I know I do! How would you like to see said series ressurected? Hmmm... maybe I should wait a minute while everyone recovers from all those nasty heart attacks... HEY WAIT!!! Don't start making plans to torch my residence because of that nastly little joke. Alita really *IS* coming back!!! Alita will be back in a new manga entitled Last Order starting this December. Last Order is a sequel to the previous series, Gunm (Alita's name in Japan), which was serialized in Business Jump. In the latest issues of Ultra Jump, ads for the new Alita series have already begun showing up. Let's hope some nice company out there decides to translate it for us English speaking folks - maybe a few hundred letter to certain companies might help... or would that many letters from myself just seem sad and pathetic? I guess all we can do now is wait and flame companies until they give us our way!!!
Good ole Toonami will finally be airing Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz. Our friendly neigbors to the north already got to see this marvel of Gundam goodness because YTV decided to forego waiting for the run of the TV series to end. With the end of the Cartoon Network's current run through of the series, they will show Endless Waltz on November 10th, and in preparation, they have begun showing commercials for it already. I have just one thing to say about this, "I would like to have a codename, too. Let's say, Firefighter Wind?"
If there wasn't already enough reason to order the Macross DVD set, there's even more now. The Macross preorder total is now up to 7798, triggering a price reduction from $260 to $250. A whole 10 bucks off! For all you math wizzes out there, that means it's only going to net AnimeEigo $75,000. They really must be in the poor house, so let's all help them out and preorder our Macross DVD sets today!
That's all for today. It's time to slee... errr... dance! That's right dance! Hmmm, what dance shall we dance? I've got one! It's just a jump to the left... then a step to the riiiiiiiight... you put your hands on your hips... and bring your knees in tiiiiight... it's the pelvic thrust that really drives you insaaayaaaaayaaayaaane! Let's do the Timewarp again!!! If you can guess where that's from you can win a prize (Yes, you could be the proud winner of the honor of buying me the Macross DVD set!!!). Enjoy the rest of your anime filled days. See ya next time, but only the anime gods know when that might be.