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FUN Books of Unbalanced Dragon Balls
FUNimation has announced that the company was granted the license to Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid by Kadokawa Shoten. Apparently, this is the first Kadokawa title licensed by FUNimation.
Broccoli Books has announced that the company recently acquired two new manga series. Yoki Koto Kiku and Disgaea(Makai Senki Disgaea) will be joining the company's lineup.
Anime Nation and Moon Phase report that Media Factory's plans for a second Genshiken series have become plans for a full Kujibiki Unbalance (KujiUn) television series. Details on the television series are currently unknown. Kujibiki Unbalance is the title of an anime series within the Genshiken universe. The series currently consists of three OVAs, which were released with individual DVD volumes of Genshiken in Japan and the US.
Shonen Jump's July 2006 episode will include extensive coverage of Dragon Ball Z. The release is set to coincide with Viz's final release of Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball Z, at volume 42. The Shonen Jump issue will include two Dragon Ball Z-theme covers, a chapter from the Dragon Ball Z manga's final volume, and an exclusive interview with Akira Toriyama.