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Anime Exposed!
The title for this update takes on a couple meanings. The first one is the upcoming US-Japan Expo on Novmeber 17th through 19th at the LA Convention Center. While not exactly an anime convention, it deals with the US-Japanese culture (and you guessed it) in which anime has a large role. Bandai will be present with an entire "Gundam Wing Plaza." The Bandai "Gundam Wing Plaza" will include Gundam model kit workshops, a gaming area for the "Side Story 79" and new "Gundam Battle Assault" games, and they will be showing some Bandai titles as well. Pioneer will be present and assisting with the door prizes. The Mandarake anime merchandise chain is reported to be attending as well! Not to mention that the girls of Sailormoon Jamboree will be there in costume and are encouraging everybody to show up in costume too! The famous Iron Chef will be making an appearence at the expo too. It sure is shaping up to be one heck of a convention. For all of those who attend, have fun!
The second meaning to the title isn't so nice. British Culture Secretary Chris Smith wants TV stations to replace "trashy American cartoons" that are the bulk of children's programming in Britain with "high-quality educational shows." The biggest offenders are Transformers, Power Rangers and Pokémon (apperently his research didn't lead him to the fact that these shows are made by the Japanese). So there it is, the UK wants to rid the world of these evil, violence inducing shows, so if you live in the UK, be sure to let them know your opinion on the "trashy American import TV shows."
The last meaning to the title takes us back to the better side of it. Volume 8 of the Kodomo no Omocha TV series was released back on October 26th so be sure to check your friendly neighborhood fansub distro to see if they happen to have it!