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Media Blasters announced its acquisition of Gakuen Heaven via the company homepage. The live action Zebraman, Devilman, Zoo, and Kamen Rider First films were also announced via the company's website.
Geneon Entertainment's American Paradise Kiss homepage contains an announcement that the series will be retaining its original ending theme on the western release. The status of the show's ending theme, Franz Ferdinand's "Do You Want To," has been unknown since the show's license announcement. The song's inclusion marks the second time an outside license has been acquired for a specific musical number on a western anime release (the first title to achieve this is Beck).
A post on the front page of Takeaki Momose's website states that the Magikano manga will be suspended due to recent injury and illness. The post also mentions a possibility that Magikano will not be restarted by the end of the year. Momose's has also served as the artist for RaXephon, and the creator of Miami Guns.
Anime News Service reports Tetsurou Tanba passed away due to Pulmonitis on September 24, at 11:27PM. Tanba was a prolific actor that has starred in 300 movies, and many television dramas. He was well-known for his role in James Bond: You Only Live Twice, as well as his roles as the Cat King in The Cat Returns. Tanba was 84 years old.