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Farewell, Old Friend
Since 1997 there has been a company that worked to bring Asian entertainment over to the US with an effort like none other. For those of you who recieved the Tokyopop magazine, you were able to enjoy this unique and enjoyable publication.
In a day when everything seems to be on a freight train towards success for anime, it's tough to hear that one company dedicated to anime and all things in Asian entertainment hasn't enjoyed the current rampaging success of anime. Tokyopop will be closing its website and will publish no more issues of the magazine. I, and I am sure many others, delighted in picking up an issue and reading not just about anime, but J-pop and a lot of other things from Asia that interest us as well. Tokyopop was an original in every sense of the word. They were a pioneer; I am sure they have contributed a great deal to the culture that is growing in the US for Asian entertainment.
Tokyopop announced the closing of the two aspects which made it a mainstay in the Otakuworld due financial limitations. When big compnaies like Disney have realized the popularity and profitability of anime, Tokyopop was unable to make it work. Instead of sacrificing the quality or integrity of the site and magazine, they have decided to close them down. Such is the cost of providing top-notch customer service and product quality.
I'd just like to take a second and bid a fond farewell to Tokyopop. I enjoyed their work over the years and their site. I found many a rare soundtrack on their site, one of which happens to be playing in my CD player at this very moment. Farewell, old friend. I thank you for all of your hard work and wish you a future filled with anime.