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Lain Lunchbox Lunacy!
Welcome the the wacky world of Serial Experiments Lain lunchboxes! A few days ago Palisades Marketing said they weren't making anymore Lain lunchboxes, so the vast majority of people couldn't get one, yet somehow it seemed that folk were coming up with them. Apparently when Palisades said that nobody is getting them they meant that "nobodies" aren't getting them. All those small local stores that try so hard to bring you your favorite Otaku gear won't be recieving Lain lunchboxes.
That brings up the question "if there are lunchboxes out there somewhere, where are they?" Well, some major retailers managed to get some of them for sale, but most retailers are plain out of luck. Why? There is a simple explanation: A company that just happens to go by the name of Pioneer snatched up the bulk of the Lain lunchboxes for its DVD box set.
With the large lunchbox so rare, what about that little mini-lunchbox? That's still going to be released in February. The shortages coupled with Palisades Marketing not making anymore of the larger ones makes them quite rare. Rare = valuable. Valuable = bragging rights. So as soon as I get mine, you can be sure I'll be bragging. Now you want bragging rights too, don't ya? You better pick up that Lain DVD box set then! Well, it's time I leave the wired.
P.S. Do NOT try to enter the wired... jumping off a building will not let you enter the wired. Anime Dream takes no responibilty for those of you who jump off buildings trying to enter the wired in your quest for Lain lunchboxes.