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Amano Goes Mad!
Amano's World has gone and done it again. They have added a few new features to the site (as though the site needed anything more than being Amano's website). If you're not familar with Yoshitaka Amano, then you obviously have been hiding waaay too long in that bomb shelter you built for the millenium. Mr. Amano is one of the greatest artists of our time (the greatest in my opinion, but who asked for my opinion? ^_^). He has worked on anime series like Vampire Hunter D, Angel's Egg, and Gatchaman. He is probaly better known for his work on Hero and the Final Fantasy video game series. His website is a great place to enjoy Amano's work and even pick up some stuff from the store.
Recently, a new Amano News section was added to the site. This section contains news on what our favorite artist is up to and other general happenings in the Amano World. It will also carry news on where Mr. Amano will be doing signings, and I'd say it's a safe bet that it will have info on his upcoming projects such as the 3D animated feature film for "Hero."
If you happen on over to the news section (which is rather difficult with all that artwork to look at floating around), you can see that Amano was recently interviewed by the DesignFreak website.
Now, I have been planning to take Amano home with me for awhile, but there are apparently laws against putting people in a sack and transporting them halfway across the world. Heh, who knew? However, there is an alternative. Instaed of taking Amano, you can just grab some of his nifty artwork in his new calander. The calander, which contains a wide gamut of work comprising eight illustrations, includes art from Vampire Hunter D, Final Fantasy, Gatchaman, and Mr. Amano's newest work, Hero. You can get this little gem for only $12.99. Not only that, it will also benefit charity, so you can actually do something to contribute in a positive way while getting Amano artwork. That's what I call a good deal! The calander can be obtained at fine comic and specialty shops.
This week's Batty is up as well and it's just as good as the previous installments. Mr. Amano was also kind enough to listen to the demands of his fans and added a new poster to the store, so make sure you go check that out. It's a beauty (it's Amano, of course it's a beauty).
I would continue to rave about Amano, his art, and Amano's World, but Amano designed characters are calling my name, specifically Final Fantasy IX Amano designed characters. I also have a new poster to order as well. So many things to do, so little Amano...