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DBZ: The Thinking Man's EVA!
Well, first let's hope Legion doesn't kill little ole Mori for implying that he likes, no loves, DBZ and its insanely deep plot. If you're tired of trying to understand the plot though and just want to sit back back, pay some money and collect action figures, you're in luck! There are some nice new figures coming your way.
Irwin's Dragon Ball Z action figure line is red hot this year, with news of Series 17 setting fans into a frenzy. A new limited edition DBZ 2-Pack from Georgia Music will only fuel the flame.
Expected to be offered this December, Georgia Music will be offering fans a 10,000 limited run of an exclusive DBZ 2-pack to include Future Trunks and Krillin. SRP on this set will be $19.95 and it will also include a collectible DBZ medallion.
There have been no images or further details released at this time, but you can start counting your chickens now though because when there are, we'll have them, so all you rabid DBZ fans can start your engines! Only one question remains: Is your power level high enough to beat out all the other raving lunatic DBZ fans? If not, I think some high gravity training is in order! You better get started!