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Who Could Be More Cute Than Deedlit?
If you've ever seen Record of Lodoss War, then you've seen Deedlit. Chances are you've also become a Deedlit fanboy (or fangirl in some cases). Now Ryo Mizuno, the creator of Record of Lodoss War, is working on a new series.
What is this new series? Well it doesn't have an actual name yet, but is currently referred to as "Project GA". The series is described as a space opera with loads and loads of cute girls. I personally can't think of any better premise to base a series on. Well, maybe ancient Japan with loads of cute girls. Maybe..
Ryo Mizuno was also responsible for Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight and the travesty known as the Legend of Crystania. Now these two were held by many to be vastly inferior the Lodoss War OVA, however, neither one was a completely new series. An entirely new series from Ryo Mizuno looks to be very promising. I still don't know how they could make anything more cute than Deedlit though.

See what I mean? You just can't do it! However, the new series will hopefully be as good as Ryo's last original series. Let's sit back and keep hope alive!