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FOX, The #1 Leader in Anime
The Fox network isn't exactly known as the Anime Fan's best friend. Their recent butchery of Escaflowne has left a few folks bitter. So Fox in their neverending quest to to be the masters of idiocy have struck again.
Fox Kids has been rumored to be looking at the Detective Conan series for some time now. This made many people who have actually *seen* Detective Conan say "Uhh...Maybe you guys should watch a show before you air it?" Fox Kids executives contemplated this idea and after minutes of hard thinking, they came out of the bathroom and declared, "We shall watch the show before airing it!"
This stunning revelation led to the decision not to pick up the series. In no way shape or form does Fox have the broadcast rights to Detective Conan. Tokyo Movie Shinsha, who holds the license for the series, has confirmed that Fox does not have the rights to the series.
Now, those Fox Kids execs are pretty forgetful fellas. This is a good thing for those Slayers fans out there. According to Frank Pannone of Software Sculptors, Fox is working out a deal directly with the licensor of Slayers. Cutting a deal with Software Sculptors could not be done since they don't own the rights to broadcast it. However, it looks like Fox will be using the dub that Software Sculptors has already produced.
I think we can be thankful that they decided to abandon that actually watching a show before they air it policy since Slayers probably wouldn't have made it on with its violence and innuendo. There is no word on when the series might actually begin airing. So sit tight and hope the Fox execs never actually "see" Slayers.
And now, An Anime Dream Public Service Announcment:
Stay in School or you might end as a Fox Kids Exceutive.