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Bandai Toy Goodness
That ever lovable company Bandai just seems to know all the right buttons to press when bringing anime over to the US. It looks like they know figures pretty well too. Bandai's new Anime Collecter's line will include toys from Cowboy Bebop, Escaflowne, Outlaw Star and Big O.
The bebop figurines will include the oh, so sexy Faye Valentine. The anime gods know we need another Faye figure(since all the others seem to break, especially the ones with "articulation"). They also decided to include one of the less important characters from the series like Spike Spiegel(we all know Ein is the most impotant character next to Faye of course!). They haven't stopped there though, oh no, they will also have The Swordfish as well. Don't believe me? The take a peek below.
The second series represented in the Anime Collecter's line of figures is Outlaw Star. This set of figures will include the poor man's Spike Spiegel, Gene Starwind. Along for the fun is the ever innocent and frequently naked Melfina(the figure does not come with removable clothes for piloting the Outlaw Star). To finish off the Outlaw Star set is the Outlaw Star itself(does not include chamber for Melfina to get naked and pilot it). Wanna see a picture? Sure ya do!
Now the next set from Vision of Escaflowne varies from the previous pattern a bit. It will include a 7" Escaflowne figure including weapons and armors, and 4.5" figures of Van and Hitomi. It also has a set of Allen(guess the have to have something for the otakettes) and the Shvezarade. You can see the Escaflowne figure below
And last and maybe not least is the Big O. The Big O set will feature the Big O, Roger, Dorothy, a blonde woman, and a red mech. Not really sure who these folks all are, but I'm guessing they appear in the anime at some point. Well, why not just look at the picutre below
Well, Happy day if your a figure fan. If your not...you should see Faye with articulation, that will make you a fan for sure! Speaking of Faye with articulation, I have something I need to be doing...