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New Digi-Charat Special
A new Digi Charat special is making it's way to your TV(your TV if you live in Japan anyway). The new special will be an hour long(4 story) show set to air on Friday, April 6th 10:30-11:30 on TBS. The name for the special you ask? Why it's "Digi Charat: Enjoying Seeing The Cherry Blossoms" of course.
While in the Digi Charat mood, The CD Single and DVD release to this past winter's Digi Charat Chistmas Special has recieved it's very own release date! the single of the OP theme will be released on March 21 and go for ¥700 (not bad, Not bad at all)! The cd will include 3 differnt(glad they are not all the same) tracks by Masami Okui.
Digi Charat Vol. 5 DVD is due out in Japan on April 4. It will retail fro ¥4,700 and an expected running time of 40 mintues. So all you Digi Charat Fans, keep your eyes peeled for this upcoming release.