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Kenshin Goes Mainstream
The company Toycom will be releasing Kenshin figures this spring. The toys have generated interest from some major retailers like Toys R Us(who has had great success with the Dragon Ball figures).
The figures are made out of a durable PVC and will feature at least 7 points of articulation all wrapped up in some nice blister card packaging. The figure are set to sell for $12.95 each.
The first figure is of the Samurai man himself, Himura Kenshin. As always a picture is worth a thousand words

The next figure is the cute Kaoru featuring he incredible 10 points of articulation(Oh, think of the possibilities)! Words can not do her justice...see for yourself

The next stop on the Samurai X(*ducks to avoid the garbage being thrown towards him*) express takes us to Hajime. If you have hair like that, you damn well deserve a figurine!

The next in line is Sanosuke and his big shiny sword. Just how in the hell can you actually use soemthing that big?

Lastly is Tomoe...wait, That's Kenshin...The OAV Kenshin anyway. Perhaps this is just a cruel attmept to play with our minds. Perhaps it's a discreet way of saying more figures are on the way. Whatever it is, There is a picture below.

Pretty damned sweet looking figures if ya ask me. I'm sure they will please the millions....*places fingers on chin and turns head to the side and down* and millions of the Kenshin fans come this Fall!