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Niea_7 US Bound
Niea_7 is going to be making it's way to US shores sometime in future. Just when exactly is still unknown(as is pretty much everything like format, price, etc). Thanks to Pioneer, Yoshitoshi Abe's quirky little series Niea_7 is on it's way.
When the series debuted in Japan, it seemed doubtful that it would come to the US due to the "inside jokes" and cultural references used in the series. Now if your thinking along the lines of "Well, I'm Lord of Otakus, I'll understand", your probaly wrong. Even for those of us who know more about Japan than the average joe will probaly be scratching our heads saying "Wha?.
We all better start brushing up on our Japanese pop culture. We don't know how much time we have, it may be three years or it may be tomorrow! I'm gonna go view some hent....errr....Japanese culture sites now so I'll be able to understand the show when it does get released!