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Bôa has Finally Come to America
Finally, after what has seemed to be an endless wait, Bôa's domestic album has been released in the US. Twilight is in stores such as Media Play as of today(March 27th).
Bôa has long been popular in japan and many fans have been awaiting a release in the US. Well, that day is here. So Go, Go now! Buy the Album!
Twilight features 14 incredible songs for a running time of 58:38. Each one unique(which is pretty rare for albums now-a-days) and a true masterpiece. I have never heard a voice as powerful as Jasmine Rogers' voice. She is truly one of the most talented singers I have ever heard.
I was able to obtain the album at Media Play. I had to blugeon a couple of slow moving Media Play employees, but a small price to pay for my recieving the CD 5 mintues sooner. So if you haven't already purchased why are you still here reading this? You should be gone already. Now if your suffering from some sort of delirium and are not sure you want to pick up the album you can check out AD's reviews of Bôa's previous albums.
You STILL haven't gone? Go...Now! "I am watching you". Ahhh, now "I can see the smile that lights your face" as you leave to obtain your copy of Twilight.