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News to Shake a Stick At!
Have you ever thought I'd like to read one really long news update encompassing news for the past week or so? Well, if you have you're in luck! If not, I apologize.
We'll start with a number of release dates and other interesting things on their way to America. One of the more interesting stories is that Digital Manga will be opening their first US Gamers store. The store will be opening up in Los Angeles this July with a second one planned as well. There is also plans for another five stores in the US. The interesting thing about the Gamers store is the mascot, Digi-Charat. Could the Gamers store be bringing over the animated mascot and better yet the anime to go with it?
If you're living in the Los Angeles or San Francisco areas you can catch a screening of Akira on April 27th. The showing will be at:
770 North First Street
Burbank, CA
San Fransisco, CA
A new magazine from the creators of Wizard Magazine. The first issue will have two covers: One being a celebration of the Akira remake, and the other featuring DBZ and Sailor Moon. Both will be $4.99 per issue.
Urban Vision has released the DVD of Golgo 13: Queen Bee. The DVD will feature audio remastered in 5.1 for both English and Japanese Language Tracks, Audio Commentary by the Japanese Director and Executive Producer and UV Trailers.
Good ole wonderful Viz will be releasing Ayashi no Ceres, retitled Ceres, Celestial Legend 1: Destiny. The series will be released on VHS and DVD on July 14th. The dubbed VHS will retail for $24.95 and the bilingual DVD will retail for $29.95. The 24 episode on 8 volumes of three episodes.
Bandai recently released some new Gundam figures. The 4" figures are set to retail at $5.99 for the regular figures and $7.99 for the deluxe figures.
Some Virtual-On figures are coming to the US as well. "Winter White" Temjin and Fei-Yin "The Tiger" mechs will be release at $20.99 courtesy of Diamond Distibutors this September.
Kotobukiya will be releasing a Vampire Hunter D figure from the upcoming movie. the figure which is 1/6 scale comes at a price of ¥19800 (roughly $198 US). No actual release date yet. I have to say I would be much more exicted if I hadn't seen some disturbing D/Miyu fanart recently. Well, this figure loos awesome enough to remove that bad mental image from my mind. Take a look for yourself:

Last (in more ways than one) is the announcement that Evangelion's Final(the Eighth) DVD will be released on June 26th. That's gonna wrap up this edition of extremely long annoying news updates. However stay tuned for Version 2.0 which promises to be even longer and more annoying unless Nagajin can prove the lovely Gackt's womanhood to me in which case I'll just be even more disturbed and probaly admitted to the nearest insane asylum.