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Gainax Announces New Anime
Gainax (of Evangelion, Nadia, FLCL and Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou fame) has finally announced their next anime, namely Mahoromatic. The series is adapted from the eponymous manga by Monjuurou Nakayama (story) and Bou Chidama (art), currently published in Comic Gum. The story is about a maid-android, Mahoro (formerly a soldier), who becomes involved in the life of an average local high school boy, Masaru Misato.

Although Gainax has officially announced the anime version of Mahoromatic, no given format or release date has been disclosed, however, the anime is reported to take the form of a TV series. The anime will be directed by Hiroyuki Yamaga (Wings of Honneamise).
Thanks to Shitajiki.com for those two additional pictures of the manga.