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DBZ Games At E3
Whether you love it or hate it Dragon Ball Z is one of the most popular licenses out there. So everybody and their brother wanted it. Infogrames were the lucky winners. The only probelm with a popular license is that you pick up the outrageous expectations to go with it.
As does every game company on the planet Infogrames showed off their upcoming titles at E3. Well, that what they said were their upcoming games anyway. If you happened to be at E3 and took a journey to their booth you might have seen an unspeakable horror. That horror was what they claim was a demo of their upcoming Dragon Ball Z game. The game was only present in video form in which 90% of the video was just clips of the cartoon.
Of course they were vast sources of information about their upcoming title. They didn't have system, release date (unless you count 2001 and beyond), or much info on game specifics. I'm guessing it should floor you simply based on the fact that it's Dragon Ball Z.
Keeping in line with their previous track record, they didn't know anything about their other 4-player fighting based on Dragon Ball Z. It's rumored that show-goers had to tell them about it. The good news is that Infogrames personnel were said to impressed by what they were told about their games. They even promised to know actual real information about it themselves in the next few weeks so that they could release it for public consumption. We can only wait and see.