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Heaven Seems Like a Nice Place
Somewhere in the world a rabid Cowboy Bebop fan shed a tear today. A tear of great happiness. Such joy can only be inspired by one thing. A new trailer for Cowboy Bebop: Knockin' on Heaven's Door has been released coutrtesy of Cowboybebop.com.
The trailer comes in two tasty sizes both of which have sound and video. Both sound and video are excellent features for trailers as opposed to the invisible and silent kind of trailers which really don't benefit anybody. You can view a smaller(4MB) version or the larger better quality(9MB) version ...(Ed. note: apparently the site no longer exists. d0h!).
Most of the trailer consists of scenes from the 26-episode series. A few new scenes from the actual movie are thrown in for good measure. In these new scenes you can see Spike and a new friend sitting down and nicely talking out their differences (oh, and peace was achieved in the Middle East too). The trailer has Spike and his new "friend" Vincent making nice with weapons.
There also seems to be a couple interesting screenshots with Faye all tied up. Which makes the visit worthwhile all on it's own.