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Bandai's Blu Aurora Circles the Globe
Aurora Publishing announced its acquisition of Hitohira, Heavenly Body, Maid in Heaven, and Ruff Love. Hitohira is classified as a light drama title, while Heavenly Body, Maid in Heaven, and Ruff Love are yaoi manga. The first volume of Hitohira is slated for an October release, while the yaoi titles are planned to release over the summer.
Bandai Visual announced that they will begin to simultaneously release anime Blu-Ray titles worldwide. Beginning this fall, Bandai's Blu-Ray titles will include multiple subtitle tracks, and a constant price across all geographic regions. The first title to follow this release format will be the Freedom OVA series. As of press time, anime Blu-Ray discs currently retail at 5500 to 8500 yen ($53-$82USD) in Japan.
Bandai Visual also announced that Bandai Namco will sell device-specific downloads through the Bandai Channel website, once the worldwide Blu-Ray releases begin. However, it is unknown whether this service will remain Japan-specific, or whether it will be a worldwide service.