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Ghosts of Lovers Transcend Time
Go! Comi announced its acquisition of Yuki Amemiya and Yukino Ichihara's Ghost. The first volume will hit stores in January 2009.
Aurora Publishing acquired the rights to Natsuho Shino's Oh My God! and Kano Miyamoto's Lovers & Souls. Oh My God! is a two-volume manga that will debut in July, with the second volume hitting stores in October. Lovers will debut in November. Both titles will be released under Aurora's boys' love line, Deux Press.
Bandai Entertainment announced its first theatrical screen dates for The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. The film will premiere with a June 13-19 run at ImaginAsian Theaters in New York City and Los Angeles. After the ImaginAsian run, the film will run in Seattle's Landmark Theaters Varsity from August 29 to Septemer 4. The Seattle and Los Angeles screenings will be subtitled with Japanese dialogue, while New York City's run will host the dubbed feature.