Anime Expo 2008: ADV Sneak Peeks Panel

Tsukasa (Staff Writer) — July 4th, 2008 — 00:42
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At ADV's Sneak Peeks panel at Anime Expo, Matt Greenfield discussed the challenges ADV Films currently faces. He acknowledged the dissolution of their partnership with Sojitz, which left several titles licensed through the partnership in limbo.

Despite his belief that ADV would not announce any new titles at the con, Greenfield confirmed that ADV was still in negotiations for 23 titles. However, Greenfield did not state the titles, or reveal any information as to when they would be revealed.

Greenfield moved on to speak about an auction on ADV's property that was held on June 26. The auction consisted of several lots of ADV-owned office furniture, which caused a large amount of speculation in the fan community. Greenfield confirmed that most of the furniture was from ADV's warehouse division and the former PiQ offices.

The warehouse division furniture was included, due to the fact that ADV's online distribution is now being handled by Right Stuf.