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Viz News
Viz kinda sounds a lot like pez which means they are A-ok in my book! Not only does their name remotley sound like pez, they sell anime and manga!
Viz recently sent out their characteristic lengthy press release. In which they mention some of their new stuff in a positive light. The breakdown goes like this:
"No Need For Tenchi! Vol. 10: Mother Planet is written and drawn by Hitoshi Okuda. It is square bound, b&w, 184 pages long and retails for $15.95 in the U.S.A. and $24.95 in Canada." The current release date is September 2001.
Video Girl Ai, DVD Vol. 1 is produced by Viz Video and distributed by Pioneer. It is approximately 78 minutes long and retails for $29.95 in the U.S.A. The current release date is September 2001.
Neon Genesis Evangelion, Book 5 is written and drawn by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto. It is squarebound, b&w, 192 pages long and retails for $15.95 in the U.S.A. and $24.95 in Canada. Also available in "Special Collector's Edition" format, with the pages reading from right-to-left." This is also do out in September 2001.
Fushigi Yugi, Vol. 5 is written and drawn by Yû Watase. It is square bound, b&w, 200 pages long and details for $15.95 in the U.S.A. and $24.95 in Canada." Due out in September...Starting to see a pattern?
Aqua Knight, Vol. 1 is written and drawn by Yukito Kishiro. It is 232 pages long, squarebound and retails for $16.95 in the USA and $26.00 in Canada." Can you guess the release date on this one? Did you say August 2001? Cause if you did, You're Right! Why would you guess anything else though?
Magical Pokemon Journey, Journey 3 is written and drawn by Yumi Tsukirino. It is 176 pages long, squarebound, and retails for $13.95 in the U.S.A. and $21.50 in Canada." This one has an August release date too.
Dragon Ball, Vol. 6 is written and drawn by Akira Toriyama. It is 192 pages long, squarebound and retails for $12.95 in the USA and $20.00 in Canada." Dragon Crap....I mean Dragon Ball returns back to the old september release dates. The farther away, the better I say. Now if only there weren't 2 million flaming ducks out there that worshipped the series. However, I am right, they are wrong, it doens't matter that there are 1,999,999 more of them than me.
Inu-Yasha, Vol. 9 is written and drawn by Rumiko Takahashi. It is 200 pages long, squarebound, and retails for $15.95 in the U.S.A. and $24.95 in Canada." And now back to August we go for Inu-Yasha. My head hurts, why can't they stick with one month?
Bored out of your gourd yet? If not..seek help. You can also read the full press release over yonder. See, to the right, where it says Related Links. And before you go remember to worhsip the King of No Pants!