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Media Spotlight: A Special Otakon '08 Retrospective
Convention season has arrived once more, Anime Boston, ACen, and Anime Expo have all come and gone. However, we weren't planning to let con season pass us by for a third straight year. Last weekend, I dragged my unsuspecting news team to Baltimore for a weekend of anime, cosplay, and bums at Otakon 2008. We laughed, we cried, and we ended up with indigestion from Subway. More important though, we managed to get you, the reader, the latest information from the fanboy trenches.
It wouldn't be right to just leave it at that, though. Unlike some sites that don't exist anymore, we at Anime Dream care about the convention experience as much as we do the hard-hitting facts. So, my assistant and I grabbed our digitial cameras, and got snappin'. The result? Everything just happened to come together perfectly (with a bit of editing from Lord Matt) for this month's Media Spotlight.
Let the inner fanboy loose by clicking the Media Spotlight button on the navigation bar, or by clicking this link.