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Dragonball Bonanza
A few new items concerning Dragon Ball have recently come to the light of day.
First is another video game is on the way courtesy of Infogrames. The latest installment to the Dragon Ball games library will be showing up on a gameboy near you. The game is titled Dragon Ball Z Game, The Legacy Of Goku.
The airdate for Dragon Ball has changed once again. Now it will air on July 23rd pushed back from June 25th. FUNimation apologizes for the delay. They also say there should not be any more delays and they are dedicated to doing their best on the series.
The opening theme (Makafushigi Adventure) and closing theme (Romantic Ageru Yo) will be the original Japanese score with English vocals. They will not being going the DBZ route and creating a new horrible dub opening to replace the original (it could be said that all things DBZ are horrible, though).