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Guilstein Anime Movie
Guilstein, an action/horror film based on a manga by Tamaki Hisao, will be making its way to North America and Europe.
Tamaki Hisao isn't exactly a household name, unless you've happened to read his manga version of Star Wars: A New Hope(episode 4). He will be working with Monkey Punch, who created Lupin III. The soundtrack will be performed by Japanese pop band Adenosine Tri-Phosphate.
The film is slated to hit North America later this summer and follow with a subtitled version in Europe. It should hit Japan in a couple weeks.
The company resonsible for Guilstein is Inter Asset Japan Animation Ltd. In a post from a representative of the company on Anime Nation's forum, they said this: "The story is similar in theme to Spawn or Evangelion. There are other productions coming up from our production company that will also be written by Monkey Punch. One of these will be based on a movie by Akira Kurosawa, who personally requested Monkey Punch to make an anime of it."