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Bandai Interview
You'd think a gaming expo would be about having fun and playing games all day, but as it turns out, there was work to be done for Anime Dream... squeezed in between much fun and lengthy game play sessions of course. On the opening day of E3, we had a chance to sit down and talk with Jerry Chu, Bandai Entertainment's marketing evangelist. While Bandai's booth featured the gaming end of things exclusively, our interview with Jerry focused entirely on the anime released by Bandai: past, present and future.
Some of the information has become somewhat dated over the past month - plans to offer the extras from the Cowboy Bebop box set separately to fans already owning the DVDs have been nixed, for example - but even so, there's no shortage of interesting information, from upcoming release plans to thoughts on licensing issues. To read the full transcript of our Bandai interview, click here. Further questions asked later during the show lead to Jerry mentioning that while Bandai is certainly interested in the US rights to the Cowboy Bebop movie, it's unlikely there'd even be attempts to acquire it this early on.
Enjoy this debut interview in AD's new specials section! You can expect a transcript of our interview with Synch Point soon.