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Sunrise Announces Cowboy Bebop Live-Action Film
Sunrise announced that they plan to produce a live-action film based on Cowboy Bebop. The project will be a collaboration between Sunrise, 20th Century Fox, and 3 Arts Entertainment. Currently, Keanu "Whoa" Reeves (The Matrix, The Devil's Advocate) is set to be the star of the film, while Joshua Long and Erwin Stoff will fill the roles of production supervisor and producer, respectively. Sunrise president Kenji Uchida, as well as former Cowboy Bebop staff Shinichoro Watanabe (Excel Saga, Samurai Champloo), and Keiko Nobumoto(Tokyo Godfathers, Macross Plus) will serve as associate producers. Sunrise, as well as BONES co-founder Masahiko Minami (Scrapped Princess, Vision of Escaflowne) will be production consultants for the film.
Currently, Bandai Entertainment distributes the Cowboy Bebop animated series in the west.