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New Macross Toys
Yamato Toys of Japan is currently releasing a new die-cast and fully transformable version of the original transforming fighter plane - the Valkyrie VF-1 (the Veritech for you Robotech fans). Check them out. Yamato also produces transformable versions of the other Valkryie models (VF-11, VF-19, VF-21). Indeed, Yamato Toys seems to be the makers of all sorts of anime goodness! Check out their statue of Escaflowne or their awesome Gatsu figure from Berserk. Point your browser here to explore their site (in Japanese, of course; they have great pics of their products, though).

The NCS website has been taking reservations for the VF-1 toys and is expecting an import shipment of Macross toys this week; get in touch with them quickly if you’re hoping to get one!